Sustainability at BRPS
Our sustainability program focuses on increasing children’s knowledge of our environment and how to take direct action to protect our world by implementing the 5Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse and remove.
Small actions lead to big outcomes. The sustainability program focuses on providing additional educational opportunities for 3-5 year old children so that they have an understanding of their place in the world and how they can directly impact the future sustainability of our planet. These are big words and big concepts, but we want the children to know that small actions on a daily basis can result in change.
We focus on education and awareness raising through discussions with the children, story time and other learning opportunities, However, we also include direct action with our program, examples of this include
encouraging nude food lunchboxes
sorting our waste into green waste, recycling and landfill bins
utilising found, donated and other suitable discarded items (ie. corks, packing material, old fabric etc) for the creation of artworks, rather than buying new.
This year we have introducing a worm farm has may environmental benefits, including recycling food scraps, minimising landfill waste and creating natural garden fertiliser. This is a valuable active learning experience for children and enables them to investigate sustainability in an obvious and interactive way.