Kindergarten Fees
The Department of Education provides per capita funding as a contribution towards the cost of operating 15 hours in each of the 3 year old and 4 year old kindergarten programs.
Despite government funding for our 3 year old and 4 year old kindergarten places there is still a shortfall between what is received and the cost of operating our preschool. Prior to 2023, this shortfall was cover through compulsory family fees. From 2023, the Department of Education and Training (Vic) is assisting families by introducing the Free Kindergarten funding so that families can receive up to 15 hours of free kindergarten per week (during term) in the 2 years prior to starting school. The Free Kindergarten Funding is paid directly to the kindergarten, however, families must provide a declaration that they will only claim this funding through one sessional kindergarten or childcare centre.
Under Free Kindergarten Funding arrangements, parents will only need to pay fees to access extended care hours or more than 15 hours per week. This is applicable for both three and four year old kindergarten cohorts. The Administration & Enrolments Officer can provide further details when enrolling your child. Fees are due prior to the commencement of each term. Once enrolled you will receive an invoice for the designated fee for your child/ren. Payment of fees is made directly to the pre-school via EFT.
Enrolment Fees
Black Rock Pre-School charges a $180 enrolment administration fee. This is an annual fee, refundable under the requirements of Free Kindergarten, upon commencement of the kindergarten place (as confirmed through the Dept of Education’s Annual Confirmation Process). Historically, many families opt to contribute this amount to the kinder to assist with covering the cost of the enrolment process.
From 2023, with the introduction of the Free Kindergarten Funding, this fee will continue to be charged as part of the enrolment process. We ask that families donate this payment to support the kindergarten’s operations. Those seeking a refund of this fee can do so after their child commences in their kindergarten place. This fee is not refundable for those who decide not to take up their kindergarten place with Black Rock Pre-School or leave prior to the annual confirmation process is undertaken.
This income is used to provide the enrolment systems and support services to enable your child to enrol at BRPS. As a community run non-profit organisation, we are reliant on the enrolment administration fee to provide an efficient service to you in the year before your child commences at the kindergarten.
Extended Care Fee
From 2024, with the introduction of extended care, there will be an upfront term based fee for those who opt into this additional service. Children will be able to attend extended care on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4.00-5.30pm. The daily cost for this additional care is $27 per session. The fee for 2025 will be confirmed as soon as the Department of Education releases its 2025 Kindergarten Funding Rates. Parents should opt into this additional option during the enrolment process, however, if vacancies exist, parents can sign up for this option at anytime throughout the year.
Additional Day Fee
From 2024, we will be trialling the option of a 3 day program for the 4 year olds. The 3rd day is a fee for service option and families are required to apply into this as part of enrolment process. Those children who attend an additional day of kindergarten will primarily be aligned to the Yellow Group educational program and will also attend a multi-aged day on Thursday.
There will be an upfront term based fee for those who opt into this additional day of care. The daily cost is currently $95 The fee for 2025 will be confirmed as soon as the Department of Education releases its 2025 Kindergarten Funding Rates. Parents should opt into this additional day during the enrolment process, however, if places become available throughout the year, those on the additional day waitlist will be advised.
Family Involvement
The education of children is a collaborative process, and families are active participants.
Throughout the year, families are invited to;
Join the Committee of Management or a sub-committee
Attend the AGM/ Information night
Participate in social events during, and outside of, kinder hours
Provide feedback and provide input to reviews of policies and procedures
Families are encouraged to talk to the teachers, share skills and interests at the kinder and share celebrations at the kinder.
Family help within the Educational Programs
BRPS encourages family involvement in all areas of the educational programs.
This could include;
Education session helpers
Beach Kinder program
Housekeeping requests
Volunteer Levies
Under the Free Kindergarten funding, families are requested to voluntarily contribute a Maintenance Levy to assist with ensuring the kindergarten environment is maintained to a high standard to support your child’s education. This is a per family levy and we understand if some families are not in a position to contribute in this way.
Families will also be asked to voluntarily contribute a nominal amount to cover the cost of special incursions that supplement the routine educational program. In recent years, these additional incursions included the Fire Truck incursion, Seymour the Sea Plane incursion, the Dinosaurs & fossils incursion, the Wonderful World of Worms incursion, the Minibeast Safari incursion, Recycling Rules, Rhythm Culture drumming, Mini Monstars music and the visit from a Myuna Farm Mobile Ark. Without the voluntary contribution of families, we may not be able to host these incursions in future years. Other voluntary levies, fees or donations may also be requested in lieu of requesting families to participate in fundraising activities.
From time to time, parents may be required to contribute additional Excursions Fees to attend once-off excursions that are an extension to the routine kindergarten program. This includes the end of year excursion for the 4 year old cohort.