Our Team

Our experienced early childhood teachers and educators have a deep understanding of child development and a passion for providing stimulating and nurturing learning environments for our children. Our caring team are committed to building rapport with children, families and the community to create a  sense of belonging and inclusion which shapes future generations.

Our Management Team

Educational Leader & Nominated Supervisor

Gladys Amarnath

Business & Compliance Manager & Approved Provider

Lisa Lovell

Administration & Enrolment Officer

Lucia Holding

Our Educational Team

  • Lead Teacher (4YO) – Tanya Quinlan

    3YO Teacher – Libby Schwarzinger

    Co-Educators – Kate Kenny & Perina Reali

    Extended Care Educator – Perina Reali

  • Lead Teacher (4YO) – Gladys Amarnath

    Co-Educator – Janet Whelan & Perina Reali

    Extended Care Educator – Perina Reali

  • 3YO Teacher – Libby Schwarzinger

    Co-Educators – Kate Kenny & Janet Whelan

  • 4YO Teacher – Tanya Quinlan

    Co-Educator – Kate Kenny & Perina Reali

    Extended Care Educator – Perina Reali

  • Lead Teacher (4YO) – Gladys Amarnath

    Co-Educators – Janet Whelan & Perina Reali

In the absence of the Nominated Supervisor or Approved Provider, the Person Responsible for each day of kindergarten is listed below:

Gladys Amarnath  (Tuesday & Friday)
Tanya Quinlan (Monday & Thursday)
Libby Schwarzinger (Wednesday)

Our Committee

Black Rock Pre-School (BRPS) is to be a community-based non-profit kindergarten, governed by a Committee of Management (COM) and managed on a daily basis by the Business & Compliance Manager, the Administration & Enrolments Officer and teh Educational Leader to ensure the continuity and stability of the kindergarten.

All components of kindergarten operation sit within BRPS and are managed within the regulations and supported by DET, ELAA and Bayside Council.

BRPS is a registered charity and is an incorporated association.

The Parent Committee provides an opportunity for parents and association members to contribute on-going viability and future direction of the kindergarten, through coordinating social events and fundraising activities. At BRPS, the Parent Committee comprises of up to 12 voluntary positions which are filled annually around November during our annual general meeting.

Chairperson - Co-opted from Committee for each meeting

VP (3YO Rep) - Hannah Farrelly

Secretary - Georgia Brandi

Purchasing Officer - Catherine Schurmann

Communication Officer - Alice Mouritz

Activities Officer - Lisa Ottorini

Red Group Representative - Rebecca Lowery

Yellow/Orange Group Representative - Kirsty Owen

Business & Compliance Manager - Lisa Lovell

Educational Leader - Gladys Amarnath

Administration & Enrolments Officer - Lucia Holding

Committee Responsibilities

  • Provide governance and oversight to the kindergarten’s operations, including financial management

  • Hosting and promoting social activities for the wider kindergarten community

  • Undertaking fundraising activities to support the kindergarten program

  • Support the maintenance and upgrade of garden and grounds through coordinating working bees

  • Coordinating volunteers to support the extension of the Educational Program

  • Supporting the education and management team as required

  • Ensuring timely and accurate communication between families, educators and others in the kindergarten community

  • The Parent Committee also employs permanent and contract staff to manage the human resources, OHS, operational, administration and financial requirement of the kindergarten, to ensure it meets its regulatory requirements.